Thursday, 29 September 2011

Movies I Need to Own - Now

Blade Runner
Back t the future
Twelve monkeys
The Truman Show
Invasion of the body snatchers
The man from earth
Close encounters of the third kind
Planet of the apes originals
2001: a space odyssey
Forbidden planet
The fifth element
The fly
Soylant green
The quiet earth
Event horizon
Solaris (1972)
Voices of a Distant Star
Predator 1&2
Dark Star

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Make a Suggestion and Submit your own!

Right so I want to hear both your lists and what you want me to list.

So please use the comment section to both submit and suggest, the best submissions will be featured on the site with a full promotion of a site of the writers choice :D

So get creative I want to see some awesome things coming up!

Monday, 26 September 2011

Countries Who Have Viewed This Blog

United States
United Kingdom
Saudi Arabia

Would seem you lot over the pond in America like the site :D 

so thanks folks and keep the views coming, recommend us to friends, follow us both on here and on Twitter

Starfleet Captains Ranked

1. Captain Jean Luc Picard

2. Captain Kathryn Janeway

3. Captain Benjamin Sisko

4. Captain James Tiberius Kirk

5. Captain William Thomas Riker

6. Captain Spock

7. Captain Jonathan Archer

8. Captain Hikaru Sulu 

Star Trek TV Shows Ranked

1. Star Trek: Voyager
2. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
3. Star Trek: The Next Generation
4. Star Trek
5. Star Trek: Enterprise
6 Star Trek: the Animated Series

(Disclaimer; I have never seen Star Trek: The Animated Series, I never intend to either as it looks shit!)

Top 7 Starfleet Vessel Classes

1. Intrepid

2. Defiant

3. Galaxy

4.  Delta Flyer

5. Akira

6. Prometheus

7. Sovereign

And a Big Shout out to all the Ship's that didn't make my list!

Friday, 23 September 2011

Top 4 Cities I've Visited!

Without a doubt my number 1 HAS to be:





(All pictures are my own!)

Top 4 Favourite Colours

(Notice I spelt Colours correctly, none of this lazy american spelling!)

  1. Green
  2. Cream (So underrated with so many shades)
  3. Blue
  4. Purple

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Top 5 Science Fiction Franchises

Here is the list of my Top 5 Sci-fi franchises.
(I class a franchise as anything with spin-off media)
  1. Stargate
  2. Doctor Who
  3. Star Trek
  4. Star Wars
  5. Battlestar Galactica
what do you think?

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Buffy's BIG BAD'S Ranked.

  1. Angelus/Drusilla/Spike
  2. Glory
  3. Dark Willow
  4. The Master
  5. The Mayor
  6. The First
  7. The Trio
  8. Adam

Friday, 16 September 2011

Top 5 Doctor Actors

  1. David Tennant
  2. Matt Smith
  3. Tom Baker
  4. Peter Davison
  5. Christopher Eccleston
Who are your top 5? Posts below please!

(Edited for Typo's)

Doctor Who Specials Rankings

1. The Waters of Mars
2. The Christmas Carol
3. The End of Time
4. The Runaway Bride
5. The Planet of The Dead
6. Voyage of the Damned
7. The Christmas Invasion
8. The Next Doctor

This is the Fiancée's list!

Thursday, 15 September 2011

The 4 Seasons Ranked

Heres the Seasons ranked by me, number 1 being the best.

1. Winter
2. Summer
3. Spring
4. Autumn/Fall

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Top 5 Harry Potter characters

  1. Bellatrix Lestrange
  2. Luna Lovegood
  3. Severus Snape
  4. Minerva McGonagall
  5. Dobby
Mention: Hagrid the lovable oaf!! 

Top 5 Doctor Who Character's (2005+)

This list omits the Doctor himself.

  1. River Song
  2. Donna Noble
  3. Captain Jack Harkness
  4. Rose Tyler
  5. Rory  Williams

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Top 10 Favourite Doctor Who Stories (2005+)

Here are 2 lists of Top Ten Doctor Who Stories (2005+), the first is mine, the 2nd is my fiancée's. 

  1. Turn Left / The Stolen Earth / Journey’s End
  2. Utopia/ Sound of Drums / Last of The Time Lords
  3. The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon
  4. The Empty Child/ The Doctor Dances
  5. Unicorn and the Wasp
  6. The Girl Who Waited
  7. The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit
  8. The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone
  9. The Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead
  10. A Good Man goes to War / Let’s Kill Hitler
1. Unicorn and The Wasp
2. The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit
3. The Girl in the Fireplace
4. Turn Left / The Stolen Earth / Journey’s End
5. Vincent and The Doctor
6. The Doctor’s Wife
7. A Good Man Goes To War / Let’s Kill Hitler
8. Utopia / Sound of Drums / Last Of The Time Lords
9. The Eleventh Hour
10. Blink

Who's list is better? Or have you got your own? Submit and let us know what you think!

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Harry Potter Books Ranking

7. Order of the Phoenix
6. Philosophers Stone
5. Half Blood Prince
4. Chamber of Secrets
3. Goblet of fire
2. Deathly Hallows
1. Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter Films ranking

8. Order of the Phoenix
7. Half blood Prince
6. Philosophers Stone
5. Chamber of Secrets
4. Deathly Hallows Part 1
3. Deathly Hallows Part 2
2. Goblet of fire
1. Prisoner of Azkaban

Monday, 5 September 2011

Top 10 Awesome Gay's

10. - Jane Lynch
9. - Neil Patrick Harris
8. - Kieron Richardson
7. - Rupert Everett
6. - George Hosato Takei
5. - Russell Tavoy
4. - Jodie Foster
3. Stephen Fry
2. Ellen Degeneres
1. - Sir Ian McKellen